It’s time to learn more about Evan Sternbach, one of Apogee’s Associate Agency Representatives. Check out our mini interview with Evan below and get to know him a little bit more!

Tell Us Some Fun Facts About Yourself

“I am the oldest of 5 (brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister). I have been to 14 states, with my goal being to visit all 50 plus as many countries as possible – adding a couple to the list this year!”

What Hobbies Do You Enjoy When Your Are Not Working?

“I spend most of my time outside of work writing songs and recording music. It’s by far my greatest passion, and I enjoy every second of it as a creative outlet. I also like working out, traveling whenever possible, and watching/playing sports – I’m a huge Philly sports fan!”

If You Could Meet Anyone in the World, Dead or Alive, Who Would it Be and Why?

“Meeting Ed Sheeran would be pretty cool. He’s very successful, humble, and authentic in such a difficult and competitive industry. I would love to hear stories about the world and the music industry from his point of view.”

What is the Best Career Lesson You’ve Learned So Far?

“Consistency is essential to any success. Creating strong, positive habits and taking action day in and day out is the key to compounding and long-term results. It’s easy to take a day or two off effort-wise and quickly fall behind – need to stay focused!”

What is a Motto That You Live by?

““Memento vivere.” I don’t remember when or where I found this phrase, but “remember to live” is a great reminder to always make sure you’re creating memories and living a life well-spent.